Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How it all started

My Journey to Their Miracle
Let me start off my blog by introducing myself. I am a wife, mother, and full time nurse. My husband and I have been married for 10 years. I have three wonderful children, Joslyn (9), Hunter (8), and Logan (4). I was blessed with 3 very uneventful pregnancy's and deliveries. I am an RN that works in Labor and Delivery and have the privilege of seeing babies be born daily. So that is a little bit about me and my family.
My Journey started on March 17,2013. I was sitting in my chair researching surrogacy and reading through many blogs and surrogate websites. When I was directed to Circle Surrogacy's website. I then started the process of the LONG application process. I was contacted very quickly by Jeni (she is awesome) and was told that I was approved and would be receiving a welcome packet via email very soon. At that time an overwhelming emotion came over me. I am going to be a surrogate. I am going to help a couple have a baby that can't. How awesome is that. . . . .
But let's first get past all the paper work. I finished the welcome packet paperwork. Sent all my medical releases in to have all my medical history and sent it back to them (I figured it would take the longest to get all my health history to them) So I was prepared to have along wait ahead of me. Went to have my yearly OB exam and have my OB clearance form approved. Sent all my insurance information in. And then the wait began. To me it seemed like an eternity(I'm kind of impatient).
Then I received a text on April 5, 2013 stating that they had received all my medical records and have been sent to the IVF physician to be reviewed. Next step Social worker screening. :) So I set up an appointment on 4-9-2013 for my social worker interview (and boy was I nervous) The interview went well and lasted 2 hours. She asked questions like "Tell me about your pregnancy's and Delivery's" to "How did you and your husband meet". So set my husbands social worker interview up for today at 3:00 eek so excited. Then it will be on to signing the final contract and being matched with the IPs.
So here is the beginning to my adventure as a surrogate. Stay tuned for more details.

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